Archive for November, 2009

Chickens Say What-now?

November 14, 2009

~ ITEM:no contact info. Since people who usually spew scum, lies and hate are too chicken sh*t to face up to it.”

~ ITEM: The New About Page

~ INTERESTINGLY, some cranky Binks-hating person writing from the Toronto Star server (see below) wrote to insult my terrible self about being a gutless wanker (who usually spew scum, lies and hate) for not leaving contact info on the Canucki Jihad site.

Forgot to ever write that one– my bad. I’ve since rectified that, but it’s interesting that this critic does not them-self provide ID or contact for themselves, except an obviously fake What’s chicken poop for the rooster is thus for the hen? Harpoon, is that you? Zerb?

The good news is, somebody from the TorStar actually visited my site– where I generally try to state facts and links to accurate information and contrary opinions than the Islamically-correct.. which apparently is an unforgivable sin to some TorStar blowhard and/ or their relative/ friend. Well done for me, then.

Get over yourself, provide a real e-mail addy, and let’s talk, shall we? Or perhaps you’d rather just anonymously spew scum, lies and hate.

Cluck, cluck. ~

Binks, WebElf


Whois  :

OrgName:    Toronto Star
OrgID:      TSNL
Address:    One Yonge Street
Address:    Group IT
City:       Toronto
StateProv:  ON
PostalCode: M5E-1E6
Country:    CA
NetRange: –
NetName:    TORSTAR

Fresh Islamo-Ninja Alert

November 7, 2009


~ ITEM: Tariq Ramadan… an Islamist extremist in sheep’s clothing

~ ITEM: Blazing Catfur– Toronto’s Middle East Proxy War

~ ITEM: RORY LEISHMAN: Multiculturalists diminish ‘rough beast’ ravaging Islam; French translation by Poste de Veille: Salim Mansur critique les multiculturalistes postmodernes, Tariq Ramadan et Qaradawi

~ ITEM: Montreal welcomes an Islamist extremist in sheep’s clothing

~ ITEM:Québec : Salut à toi, ô mon Frère! Salut à toi, Tariq Ramadan!“; more links here

~ ITEM: Salim Mansur critique les multiculturalistes postmodernes, Tariq Ramadan et Qaradawi

~ WE’VE COVERED stealth-Jihadist Tariq Ramadan a fair bit here on CJ: but he’s coming to Canada again (having lost some of his honky payoffs in the EU), to spread his unique brand of undercover badness. What the Fort Hood Shooter is to the violent side of the Jihad, the double-speaking Tariq is to the calm and friendly side of the Islamic supremacist project.

Remember: this guy is Jihadist royalty, and has connections with all the wrong people. The groups he speaks to and hangs around with all bear the Muslim Brotherhood Evil Stamp of Approval™: the masterminds of the modern Western soft and hard Jihad.

Sadly, that such “moderate & reasonable” poseurs are taken to be the good Muslims, despite their associations, and despite the actually moderate Muslims already in Canada like Tarek Fatah and Salim Mansour. So read up on what Tarek Fatah has to say on the Tariqster.

I have  no problem with his expressing his views– rather that he says one thing, and does another, and says one thing to his naive audiences, and very much another to those “In The Know”.. rather in the mode of the religiously approved lying allowed in militant Islam, where you can deceive the infidel for the higher purposes of spreading the faith, and dominating the world.

We’re Infiltrated

Already, Canada is host to a lot of stealth-Jihad groups, open terrorism, and sympathizers for the takeover of this country and the world by Islam, polygamy, honour-killing, sharia law, and the full program. They are hiding in the open, and in Canada-free enclaves of religious law and anti-Canadian principles.

We’re just not supposed to notice or say anything about all that, because, well, it would be rude or something– and political correctness labels critics of militant anti-Western Islam as racists, Islamophobes, frothing right-wing nutjobs, and haters. After all, calling conservative people nasty names will solve everything, in the never-never land of liberal smugness.

Infidel Whiners?

Apologists for Tariq will say that we’re just picking on him because Western crusading infidels are afraid of articulate and attractive Islam as represented by the photogenic Ramadan. I’d say let the facts speak for themselves, and anybody who tries to argue “You’re only saying that because..” is avoiding the real issue.

In North America, we must work hard to keep our eyes tightly closed and our heads up our butts to avoid this reality, and listen to the comforting lies of our media, and the smooth lies of Islamic-group spokes-weasels, lulling us back to sleep. Reality might be scary, or demand something of us, or remind us we’re in the middle of civilizational conflict.

Canada: it’s ours to lose. ~


Trust Me! I Smart & Nice! Me Love You Long Time!