Archive for January 24th, 2009

CanJihad Is Go!

January 24, 2009


Smells Like Hate

The other day we blogged about the Canadian Arab Federation. Remember: unlike liberals and jihadists, we here at CJ admit we could be terribly, terribly wrong on almost everything we say, It’s a fact, evidence, connections thing.

Looks like our take on the pro-Jihad, pro-terror CAJ isn’t entirely wrongheaded, if the following is anything to go by.

Writes sinister Jew-blogger Scaramouche:

“Go, jihadis!: The Canadian Arab Federation’s Mohammed Boudjenane makes no bones about it—he’s a big fan of Hamas, and he thinks Canadians should be, too.”

Thanks for coming out from behind the women and children, guys.. and the usual moderate baffle-gab.

Fair & Balanced

evilstamp21We will gladly post the CAJ’s public repudiation of Mr. Boudjenane’s views and remarks as unrepresentative of the fluffy kittens & cuddle-bunnies official position of the moderate CAJ. That, and Obama’s upcoming apology for faking it through the 2008 Election.

In all seriousness, to cheer Jew-hating Israel-threatening Hamas is, implicitly, to greenlight all they say and do. Kneecapping Fatah; using kids & women as human shields; lying and exaggerating to the media; cooperating with Iran and other terror-supporting nations and groups; launching missiles and storing weapons in or beside civilian areas and buildings. All of it.

You, Mr. Mohammed Boudjenane, are a jihadist scumbag, and a traitor to all that Canada stands for, and is fighting for.  The CAJ stands guilty, convicted by not unreservedly rejecting your disgusting and sub-human ideology, and firing you as Executive Director.

But wait! There’s more!! It gets worse: this guy (an NDipper, naturally) is a poster-boy for the stealth-jihadi agenda, and is fully entangled in all the usual places and groups. Says the Wiki:

“Boudjenane’s work in the area of anti-racism, civil liberties and human rights has included memberships on the Toronto Chief of Police’s Advisory Council and the executive of the National Antiracism Canadian Coalition. He has made public presentations to the Arar public enquiry, and to federal parliamentary committees examining Bill c36, the anti-terrorism legislation. He continues to be invited by international organizations, such as the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), to speak on issues related to Islamophobia and hate-crimes.”

Any questions?

A Final Crucial Point

With such groups and individuals, it’s as important to reasonably note what they don’t say and do, as much as what the actually say and do. These folks won’t be springing to defend Geert Wilders, or protest UK no-go zones, or Canadian Islamic polygamy. Were Canada to become a semi-shariafied state, you’d not likely find the CAJ or Mr. B pushing back against the spread of theocracy versus democracy in our country, or laying down their lives to defend Canadian Jews, moderate Muslims, Christian freedoms, or people even mildly critical of the facts, history, and doctrines  of Islam.

Like good old Tariq Ramadamadingdong, we’re dealing with a very sophisticated radicalism here, worthy of  NDP soft-communism, same-sex activists, feminist radicals, or hard-left academics. We’ve been there, done this in the West, over the past 50 years and more. It’s beyond sad that even otherwise sensible conservatives don’t see the similarities between the ways and means of liberal fascism, and the modus operandi of Islamic fascism.

Thanks again, Mohammed Boudjenane, for publicly standing up for evil, so we can make special mention of you, and your group.


The CIC Soft-Jihad

January 24, 2009


~ EGYPTIAN-BORN Mohammed Elmasry has been a proud Jew/ Israel hating soft-Jihadi on the Canadian scene for years. His recent proxy lawfare against Mark Steyn and Canadian free speech would make the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood rather proud: no bombs, just chilling infidel free speech in their dirty infidel society.

Some Elmasry wannabe-lady apparently just took over from him, officially speaking, but it all sounds the same. These guys are pure soft-Jihad sharia-supremacist running dog lackeys of the Caliphate. Just go read the site for yourself, and Elmasry’s screeds dating back several years.

He’d be the guy who got called out and caught out on what he actually believes a few years ago, on TV. He ‘apologized’ (but refused to step down), and kept on keeping on with his usual nasty, including the whole MacLean’s lawsuit thing.

Like our CBC talking heads, the CIC-ites consider ‘balance’ to be a range of people who all agree with them. We could write the screeds ourselves, except that we’re not into vomiting such propaganda– so the following is actual BALANCE to their Palestinianism:

~ PASSING ON THE HATE & LIES— ” Today’s spin–heartless Jews murder the innocent: In its weekly Friday digest, the Canadian Islamic Congress posts this report, from UK rag The Guardian, about the immense loss of life in Gaza, much of it comprised of children”; War Is Deceit: Gaza doc says Palestinian death toll inflated.. (Scaramouche, JiWa)

And via the Islamophobes at the wonderful Point De Bascules, speeches from their conference last Fall featuring actually moderate Canadian Muslims, who are glad to live in this country, and don’t see it as their higher calling to enslave us all under sharia and Islamist rule.

Of course, the CICites would consider such folks traitors. All the better, and well done, then! Enjoy:

Salim Mansur

Tarek Fatah

Raheel Raza